Particle Cosmology Group

at the University of Science and Technology of China

Members of the particle cosmology group in USTC

Our particle cosmology group consists of two professors, four postdocs, 13 graduate students (including three international students) and many undergraduates
Office: the second floor, No. 1 Teaching Building; the 15th & 17th floor, Lihua Building
Address: 96 Jinzhai Road, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China



YI-FU CAI     蔡一夫

Present Position: Professor
Affiliation: Department of Astronomy, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China; Office: 1223
Research Interests: I am a theoretical cosmologist. My research focuses on some fundamental questions for cosmology, such as, the nature of the big bang, the origin and future destiny of our universe, how the black holes and the galaxies formed. Particularly I work on:
Bouncing Cosmology, Inflation in String Theory, Dark Energy, Cyclic Universe, Cosmic String and Black Hole Physics.

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WENTAO LUO     罗文涛

Present Position: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Department of Astronomy, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China; Office: TBD
Research Interests: My main research field is accurate image procesing for weak lensing study, weak lensing signal measurement and modeling. Weak gravitational lensing is a powerful probe of our universe, especailly the dark sectors. Galaxy-galaxy lensing, as the first order measurement, can capture the halo mass of galaxies with different properties, or clusters of galaxies. Cosmic shear is the second order weak lensing statistics, and sensitive to the amplitude of density fluctuation. With the help of wide imaging surveys like DES, HSC, KiDS, Vera Rubin Telescope and WFST (Wide Field Survey Telescope), weak lensing will provide tighter constraints of cosmological models and better our standing of the universe.

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Yang Zhang     张杨

Present Position: Professor
Affiliation: Department of Astronomy, School of Physical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China; Office: 1226
Research Interests: Residual gravitational waves, Gravity Theories

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Visiting Professor

Jacques Delabrouille


Laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie
Research Interest: observation of CMB, analysis of cosmological and astrophysical data sets.

Ian McArthur


The University of Western Australia
Research Interest: Quantum Field Theory, Superstring Theory, Theoretical Physics

Emmanuel N. Saridakis


National Technical University of Athens
Research Interest: Modified Theories of Gravity, Observational Cosmology, Dark Energy Formulation, Inflationary Cosmology

Misao Sasaki


Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, Kyoto University
Research Interest: Theoretical Physics(Cosmology), General Relativity and Modified Gravity Theories, Inflation and Early Universe, Observational Cosmology

Odintsov Sergei


Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (CSIC - ICE)
Research Interest: Dark energy, Inflation, Modified gravity, String Theory and Quantum Gravity, Cosmology, Quantum Fields, Astrophysics and Black Holes, Casimir Effect

Yi Wang

Associate Professor

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Research Interest: Theoretical High Energy Physics and Cosmology, Cosmic Inflation, Gravitational Waves, Cosmic Strings, Eternal Inflation, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Modified Gravity, AdS/CFT and Computer Algebra.

Hongsheng Zhao


Scottish University Physics Alliance, University of St Andrews
Research Interest: Dark Matter, Gravitational Lensing Research

Postdoc Fellow

Batool Imtiaz
بتول امتياز


Work on multi messenger astronomy; FRBs, Gravitational Waves; Cosmic rays
Office: Lihua building-17007

Bo Wang


Work on the 2nd-order cosmological perturbations, theoretical analysis for the detection of gravitational waves.
Office: Lihua building-17007

Yunlong Zheng


Work on the modified gravity model, emergent universe and bounce universe.
Office: LIhua building-17006


Muhsin Aljaf
موحسین بورهان

2020 PHD

Research Interests: Interacting dark energy, Hubble tension and inflation cosmology
Office: Lihua building-15007

Amara Ilyas
عمّارہ اِلیاس

2018 PHD

Research Interests: Inflation, Bounce cosmology
Office: 1221

Jie Jiang

2016 PHD

Research Interests:
Reheating Cosmology, Gravitational Waves, CMB
Office: Lihua Building-17005

Jiarui Li

2020 Master

Research Interests:
CMB polarization, Weak Gravitational Lensing
Office: Lihua Building-15008

Xiaohan Ma

2021 Master

Research Interests: Inflationary Cosmology ,non-Gaussanity and Primordial Black Hole
Office: Lihua Building-18016

xin ren

2017 PHD

Research Interests: the cosmological phenomenology related to DE model and modified gravity model
office: Lihua Building-18016

Chengfeng Tang

2019 PHD

Research interests: Axion Dark Matter models ,Gravtational Lenses, Gravitational Waves
Office: Lihua Building-15008

Jianyu Wang

2017 Master

Research Interests: Hawking Radiation, Quantum Information, Field Theory
Office: Lihua Building-17005

Qingqing Wang

2020 Master

Research Interests:
Bounce Cosmology,Primordial Black Hole
Office: Lihua Building-17005

Jun Yan

2018 Master

Research Interests:
Phase Transition, Gravitational Wave, Arrow of Time
Office: Lihua Building-15008

Pierre Zhang

2017 PHD

Research Interests: LSS data analysis, Cosmological Perturbation Theory
Office: null

Yaqi Zhao

2021 Master

Research Interests: Effective field theory of f(T) modified gravity
Office: 15009


Geyu Mo 莫戈瑜 (USTC 2018 undergraduate)

Ao Wang 王奥 (USTC 2018 undergraduate)

Group Alumni

Canmin Deng 邓灿敏 (USTC 2019 Postdoc → Guangxi University, Assistant Professor )

Jiaqi Yang 杨佳奇 (USTC 2017 Undergraduate → Leiden University)

Zihan Zhou 周子涵 (USTC 2017 Undergraduate → Princeton University)

Chao Chen 陈超 (USTC 2016 Phd → Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Postdoc)

Chunlong Li 李春龙 (USTC 2016 Phd → Institude of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoc)

Shengfeng Yan 鄢盛丰 (USTC 2016 Phd → INFN, Postdoc)

Martiros Khurshudyan (USTC 2019 Postdoc → Institut de Ciències de l'Espai (CSIC - ICE))

Hao Jiao 焦好 (USTC 2016 Undergraduate → McGill University 2020 MSc)

Xuheng Luo 罗旭恒 (USTC 2016 Undergraduate → Johns Hopkins University)

Xinzhe Zhang 张鑫哲 (USTC 2016 Undergraduate → Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Rui Shi 时瑞 (USTC 2015 Undergraduate → Johns Hopkins University)

Zhaoting Chen 陈兆庭 (USTC 2015 Undergraduate → The University of Manchester)

Qiuyue Liang 梁秋月 (USTC 2014 Undergraduate → University of Pennsylvania)

Yunchao Hao 郝云超 (USTC 2014 Undergraduate → Fudan University)

Xi Tong 童曦 (USTC 2014 Undergraduate → The Hong Kong University of Science and Techonology)

Linqin Xue 薛灵钦 (USTC 2014 Undergraduate → University of Miami)

Junjie Zheng 郑俊杰 (USTC 2014 Undergraduate → Brown University)

Lingyuan Ji 吉聆远 (USTC 2013 Undergraduate → Johns Hopkins University)

Shiyun Lu 鲁诗韵 (USTC 2013 Undergraduate → The Hong Kong University of Science and Techonology)

Tian Qiu 邱天 (USTC 2013 Undergraduate → The University of Tokyo)

Ziwei Wang 王子威 (USTC 2013 Undergraduate → Mcgill University)

Hao-Lan Xu 徐浩岚 (USTC 2013 Undergraduate → Stony Brook University)

Mian Zhu 朱勉 (USTC 2013 Undergraduate → The Hong Kong University of Science and Techonology)

Dong-Gang Wang 王东刚 (USTC 2013 Mater Graduate → Leiden University 2016 Phd Graduate → Cambridge University 2020 Postdoc)

Jie-Wen Chen 陈洁文 (USTC 2012 PhD Graduate → Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2019 Postdoc)

Minxi He 何敏熙 (USTC 2012 Undergraduate → The University of Tokyo)

International Internship

Xing Li 李行(2019 Undergraduate, UCL)

Hong Tsun Wong 黄康晋(2016 Undergraduate, The University of Hong Kong)

Zun Wang 王尊(2017 Undergraduate, Hong Kong University of Science and Techonology)